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How to make ball joint by Tinkercad | Laoban tutorial with video

Laoban tutorial

Here's a step-by-step guide to create a ball joint in Tinkercad:

Create the Ball:

Drag a "Sphere" from the Basic Shapes menu.

Adjust diameter (e.g., 20mm) using the white square handles.

Optional: Add a "Cylinder" as a neck/stem to the ball.

Create the Socket:

Drag a "Sphere" slightly larger than the ball (e.g., 22mm diameter).

Add a "Box" and position it to cover half of the larger sphere.

Convert the box to a "Hole" using the top toolbar.

Group the box and larger sphere to create a hemispherical cavity.

Add Structural Base:

Attach a "Cylinder" or "Box" beneath the socket as a base.

Use "Align Tool" to center all components.

Fine-tune Clearance:

Ensure 0.2-0.5mm gap between ball and socket.

Use "Ruler" tool (Ctrl+R) to verify measurements.

Final Adjustments:

Rotate components if needed using circular arrows.

Group each part separately (ball+stem and socket+base).

Printing Tips:

Export as separate STL files

Print socket opening facing upward

Add supports if needed

Sand for smoother movement


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